Victor Hugo once said, “Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” Every project starts with an idea. Whether it is the vision of our customer, a designer’s sketch, or even a new material that provides the inspiration. We work on this project together. We see ourselves as partners willing to go the whole distance with you. And Stephan always guarantees absolute confidentiality, with no exceptions. Your idea, your product is always in good hands with us.


We stay partners with you from the very first meeting until the product is finished. We guarantee absolute confidentiality – with no exceptions. We take time to pay attention to you and your suggestions. At Stephan, we will advise you, discuss your project with you, and choose the best possible raw materials for you. We are always available for you to consult when it comes to the type of processing or finishing for the gemstones.

The development process – as exciting as going on a date

When the design, material, and finishing have been determined, we produce a prototype. To do so, we make use of our “rapid prototyping” technology or let our cutters and engravers make up a sample by hand. Only when we, and you as well, are absolutely satisfied with the product do we start series production. We guarantee the best raw materials and constant quality control, since only perfect stones should be allowed to bear our name. Or yours.