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From mine to market
We are providing the colors of the world


Gemstone manufacturer Herbert Stephan KG has been a reliable supplier to the world’s jewelry industry for more than 75 years. Our products are tailored to the individual wishes of our customers – and that means your wishes, whether you prefer created or genuine gemstones. We combine traditional craftsmanship with state-of-the-art technology to ensure that your gemstones are marked by individuality – even if produced in large series. We start by choosing materials that are always of the highest quality:

Our technology center is one of a kind, and is already more than fifty years old. That was when we began using machines to achieve unsurpassed efficiency and production capacities. We are constantly and consistently working to further develop our computer-controlled machines so that we can process your gemstones to suit your wishes: quickly, reliably, and always with the highest level of precision. Our cutting, drilling, ultrasonic and laser engraving skills enable us to offer you customer-specific gemstones made to measure, and to do so on an absolutely sound economic foundation. We can supply any required quantities, and if you wish, we will even build the machinery necessary to produce your product. We create individuality in series production.